If You Understand How the Brain Works, You Can Reach Anyone
The Theory: Helen Fisher’s research on the brain systems that drive human personality, attraction, and love has been featured in…
When NeuroColor cofounder Dave Labno tuned into NPR on a winter day in 2009, he heard an interview with a scientist that would alter the trajectory of his work (and the culture of thousands of companies). With two decades experience in the personality space, Dave recognized that Dr. Helen Fisher’s research into personality styles had clear business applications. Together, he and Dr. Fisher would expand the scope of her compatibility questionnaire in order to study personality in the workplace. Their collaboration formed NeuroColor, a company dedicated to using neuroscience to transform communication and companies around the world.
NeuroColor exists because the field of neuroscience is providing insight into the biological reasons why each of us thinks, acts, and communicates the way we do. Through NeuroColor’s training and data, we enable companies to leverage employees’ natural strengths and build more effective teams. At the individual level, we empower you to improve communication, understanding, and engagement in your organization and beyond.
The Theory: Helen Fisher’s research on the brain systems that drive human personality, attraction, and love has been featured in…
A brain-based personality test helps people better understand themselves and other personality types.
The personality test designed for the workplace gave me accurate insights about my work style.
Our brains are wired to prioritize information shared by people we like. But, we often like folks who think similarly. Great for happy hour, bad for groundbreaking ideas!
Ever wonder what gets your team truly motivated? Recent research by Ingo Willuhn and his colleagues at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience sheds light on the brain’s reward system and its role in driving action.
You may be well past “Hello, my name is” but how well do you really know your team? Building a truly connected team requires understanding each other’s thinking and communication styles, strengths, and even quirks.
Take the following three action steps to dive deeper than “Hello.”
In her just-released Harvard Business Review article (“5 Ways Managers Can Support Neurosignature Diversity at Work”), NeuroColor Advisory Board Member Friederike Fabritius references NeuroColor co-founders Dr. Helen Fisher and David Labno – and encapsulates their concepts of neurosignature and diversity of thought in her hands-on advice for leaders.
NeuroColor will host a virtual certification for organizational coaches and facilitators on December 10th, 11th and 13th.
Dr. Fisher provides a short overview of her breakthrough discoveries in the fields of personality and neuroscience.
Our answers come in a range of colors.
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