NeuroColor Featured in Harvard Business Review Again!

In her just-released Harvard Business Review article, NeuroColor Advisory Board Member Friederike Fabritius references NeuroColor co-founders Dr. Helen Fisher and David Labno – and encapsulates their concepts of neurosignature and diversity of thought in her hands-on advice for leaders.

Read Friederike’s recent article here:

“Retaining a productive, happy, and successful team is often compared to herding cats. For first-time managers, this can be a particularly new challenge. You’re learning how to be responsible for not just your own performance but also that of others, each of whom has a different personality type, skill set and communication style.

Managers at all levels can strengthen their ability to lead a diverse range of people by using a research-backed approach that recognizes and honors how each of us thinks, learns and communicates. In my book, The Brain-Friendly Workplace, this is what I refer to as ‘neurosignature diversity.'”

Friederike Fabritius, “5 Ways Managers Can Support Neurosignature Diversity at Work,” Harvard Business Review